2 Lottery Tickets

Paul Negoescu

Genre: FIlm


Dinel, with his black mustache and curly hair, seems not to be on his luckiest streak: customers at his auto repair shop are disgruntled, his salary barely covers a beer in the after-hours club, and, to make matters worse, his wife has recently dumped him.
Things begin to turn for the better when Dinel-unexpectedly-wins six million euros playing the lottery.
But where will the ticket be? Perhaps in the fanny pack he was robbed of a few days earlier?
With his two best friends Sile and Pompiliu, he then decides to set off in his old car in search of the winning ticket.


A production: CG Entertainment
Distribuito da: La Sarraz Distirbution
In distribution from: September 2017


Dragoș Bucur: Vasile Sile Grămadă

Dorian Boguță: Dinel Petre

Alexandru Papadopol: Pompiliu Borș

Andi Vasluianu: Costel Dorohoi

Mircea Banu: Horațiu Gușpenec

Elisa Calin: Prostituta

Ioana Florentina Dimitriu: Mihaela

Artistic specifications

Director: Paul Negoescu
Script: Ian Luca Caragiale
Screenplay: Paul Negoescu
Editing: Alexandru Radu
Director of Photography: Ana Draghici
Music: Flora Pop
Costumes: Malina Ionescu

Technical specifications

Length: 88′

Production countries: Romania, Spain

Original language: Romanian

Subtitles: Italian/English





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